Owning what we want
I imagine most of us aren't in touch with what we want, mostly.
The first thing is to actually name what's true about what we're experiencing. What we want is present right now in our experience. We don't need to think about what we want: because it's already right there.
What happens though is we push it out of our experience, because it's actually scary to face up to what we want. Our deepest wants and desires come from our higher selves, not from our Ego. Which makes them threatening to us.
In a sense, there's nothing to be done, because what we want is already true. It's already here now. There's nothing we need to do to be in touch with what we want, other than see what's already here, in this moment.
Now because we're used to pushing our desires away, they might not be visible on the surface. It be a bit more subtle than that. So we gotta listen to ourselves sometimes to really see/hear them. We need to willing to face the fear that comes with seeing what we want.
Once we see what we want, this might involve our way of life changing--which is why we're hiding it from ourselves. But it's already there: beneath all the confusion and the resistance, our true desires exist, and are very simple. The simplicity is striking, because there's not much else to say, other than: "Here it is!"". "I want this!""
There's a great deal of freedom available in noticing and naming what it is that we want. Because once we've named it, and it's made conscious, there's no longer any purpose in twisting ourselves up to avoid seeing it. We see it, recognise it, and then choose what to do.
Sometimes we not be ready to act on what we want, because it's too much. But we don't have to act on it immediately, we can take it slow. There aren't any rules here. We can take it step by step.
The beauty is that the freedom comes simply from naming it and taking ownership of it. Once we own what we want, we really have the choice about what to do, indeed if we need do anything. It's pushing our desires out of our awareness, or demonising them, that traps us.
Further, our deep desires, and the things that our soul wants, are something we can trust. Because they don't really come from us, in a sense. They come from a deeper place. The way I like to think of it, is our desires are life speaking to us, and what we're here to experience. And that can be trusted.
I often practice now, to ask myself the simple question of "What do I want?". This question brings me into connection with myself. This question makes it ok in just the asking of it. It might be that what I really want in this moment is not what I expected. In fact, this often happens. When this happens, I smile. It reminds me that I often live my life not recognising what is I want. The question gives me the opportunity to notice the wants I have, and in naming and owning them, to move closer to myself.